Research Article |
Corresponding author: Kumar Akhilesh ( ) Academic editor: Marina Sheresheva
© 2024 Kumar Akhilesh.
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Akhilesh K (2024) Political Economy of STI in China: Analyzing Official Discourse on Science, Technology and Innovation-Driven Development in the Contemporary China. BRICS Journal of Economics 5(2): 105-128.
Science, technology, and Innovation (STI) have been the cornerstone of China’s Reform and Opening-up processes. Employing a hybrid methodology, including textual analysis, this paper asserts that four decades of reform and opening-up have witnessed STI’s pivotal role across sectors despite numerous challengesб such as economic slowdown, growing disparities, environmental issues, and a huge burden on the state-owned enterprises. China’s substantial investments in the Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, including Artificial Intelligence and New Energy Vehicles, exemplify its commitment to innovation, reflected in over 2.5% of GDP allocated for research and development in 2022. This robust investment has bolstered China’s innovative capabilities and brought about its high ranking on the Global Innovation Index. In Chinese STI politics and policy-making, the programs like MLP-2006, SEI-2010 and Made in China 2025 have created a watershed moment. Three central research questions guide our exploration: the trajectory of policy framing on STI-Driven development, the theoretical underpinnings of Innovation-Driven Development and Green Development in Chinese STI politics, and the significance of these paradigms in China’s context. This paper also hypothesizes the emergence of two distinct trajectories within China’s STI politics through the adoption of Innovation-Driven Development and Green Development, positioning STI at the core of China’s development paradigm. The study thoroughly dissects China’s official discourse, framing these paradigms within the Sustainable Development context and highlighting their crucial roles in China’s journey toward technological advancement and sustainability. The analysis of the evolution of China’s STI policy as portrayed in official discourse offers insights into the strategic role played by science, technology, and Innovation in moulding China’s socio-economic trajectory alongside global implications stemming from its transformative development agenda.
Наука, технологии и инновации (НТИ) являются краеугольным камнем процесса реформ и открытости Китая. Используя гибридную методологию, включая текстовый анализ, автор утверждает, что четыре десятилетия реформ и открытости стали свидетелями ключевой роли НТИ во всех секторах, несмотря на многочисленные проблемы, такие как экономический спад, растущее неравенство, экологические проблемы и огромное бремя для предприятий, находящихся в государственной собственности. Значительные инвестиции Китая в технологии Четвертой промышленной революции, включая искусственный интеллект и транспортные средства на новой энергии, служат примером его приверженности инновациям: более 2,5% ВВП выделено на исследования и разработки в 2022 году. Эти крупные инвестиции укрепили инновационный потенциал Китая, о чем свидетельствует его высокий рейтинг в Глобальном инновационном индексе. В китайской политике в области НТИ такие программы, как MLP-2006, SEI-2010 и «Сделано в Китае 2025», стали переломным моментом. Три центральных исследовательских вопроса направляют наше исследование: траектория формирования политики развития, основанного на НТИ, теоретические основы инновационного развития и зеленого развития в китайской политике в области НТИ, а также значение этих парадигм в контексте Китая. В данной статье также выдвигается гипотеза о появлении двух различных траекторий в политике Китая в области НТИ посредством принятия инновационного развития и зеленого развития, что ставит НТИ в основу парадигмы развития Китая. Исследование тщательно анализирует официальный дискурс Китая, помещая эти парадигмы в контекст устойчивого развития и подчеркивая их решающую роль на пути Китая к технологическому прогрессу и устойчивому развитию. Анализ эволюции политики Китая в области НТИ, как она представлена в официальном дискурсе, дает представление о стратегической роли, которую играют наука, технологии и инновации в формировании социально-экономической траектории Китая, а также о глобальных последствиях, вытекающих из его программы преобразовательного развития.
4rth IR, Innovation-Driven Development (IDD), Green Development, Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), STS Politics
4-я ПР, Инновационное развитие (IDD), Зеленое развитие, Наука, технологии и инновации (НТИ), меры STS
AI Artificial Intelligence
CD China Dream
CPC Communist Party of China
GD Green Development
IDD Innovation-Driven Development
IoT Internet of Things
MIIT Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
ML Machine Learning
MOF Ministry of Finance
MOFCOM Ministry of Commerce
MOST Ministry of Science and Technology
NDRC National Development and Reform Commission
SIPO State Intellectual Property Office
Four decades of reform and opening-up (改革开放 Găigé kāifàng) in China sustained the overall development agenda on several fronts, e.g. agriculture, industry and services. Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) (科学、技术和创新 Kēxué, jìshù hé chuàngxīn) have been central to this process. However, the falling growth rate, rising inequality, both income and regional, environmental pollution and the massive burden of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) have negatively impacted the Chinese economy. Nevertheless, China has been investing substantially in the fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)
Innovation-Driven Development (IDD) (创新驱动发展 Chuàngxīn qūdòng fāzhăn) is a further expansion of STI capabilities in China’s economic statecraft. It is a core agenda of President Xi’s development philosophy. In 2016, Xi announced the achievement of three stages of innovation-driven development for China (
Although China missed the industrial revolution powered by coal-fired steam engines, it is progressing rapidly in emerging technologies in the Industry 4.0 or Globalisation 4.0 era (
Three central research questions guide our exploration: the trajectory of policy framing on STI-Driven development, the theoretical underpinnings of Innovation-Driven Development and Green Development (绿色发展 Lüsè fāzhăn) in Chinese STI politics, and the general significance of these paradigms for the country’s progress. This paper thoroughly dissects China’s official discourse, framing these paradigms within the Sustainable Development context and highlighting their crucial roles in China’s technological and sustainability advancement. The analysis of the evolution of STI politics in China as portrayed in official discourse offers insights into the strategic functions of science, technology, and Innovation in moulding China’s socio-economic trajectory alongside global implications stemming from its transformative development agenda.
This paper hypothesises the emergence of two distinct trajectories within China’s STI politics through the adoption of Innovation-Driven Development (IDD) and Green Development (GD), positioning STI at the core of China’s development paradigm.
The proposed research methodology for Innovation-Driven Development (IDD) and Green Development (GD) in China is centered on reviewing primary Chinese policy documents and involves studying the primary sources like official government reports and speeches and secondary sources for a broader context. Thematic and chronological coding will be used to identify policy themes and trace their evolution over time, while quantitative and qualitative content analysis will help evaluate policy rationale and gauge its impact. Comparative and contextual analyses will explore historical, political, and cultural factors that influence policy choices and their synergies. The paper employs the interdisciplinary approach to the research.
Theorisation is essential for understanding the trajectory of the Chinese economy. In the pre-reform period, China followed a Soviet-style heavy industrialisation path where the state was involved in all economic and production-related activities. Later, strengthening the scientific and technological capabilities was the primary focus of the reform period. Through expanding S&T capacities, productivity and national competitiveness were enhanced. That is why, to understand the phenomenal development of China’s economy in the past four decades it is essential to focus on STI strategies. Technological upgradation and product development in China have been carried out through various models such as China’s Development Model (CDM), Development State (DS), Institutionalism, and others.
Contrary to the Washington Consensus (an amalgamation of the free market and liberal democracy), the Beijing Consensus described the system where market forces worked in an authoritarian state and technological innovation was the key driver of growth (
However, as a state-centric development model, the Beijing Consensus (BC)
Joe R.
Varaprasad S.
In response to the question of whether policies can positively impact innovation,
In her book, Xiaolan
In their paper, Li Zheng et al. (2020) evaluate the discussions surrounding China’s innovation system and propose a concept of ‘Innovation with Chinese Characteristics.’ They argued that state played a significant role in institutional reforms during the reform era, and strengthening S&T capabilities had been instrumental in China’s robust economic growth over the past four decades. The authors also discuss the strategies adopted by the Chinese authorities to enhance S&T capabilities and promote industrial production, including acquiring foreign technologies and expertise and moving up the global value chain through international mergers and acquisitions (M&As). They highlight the importance of ‘Forward Engineering’, coupled with parallel learning from FDI firms, where university spin-off firms play a greater role in product development. However, the authors acknowledge the shortcomings of this strategy, including the duplication of S&T projects, lack of transparency in S&T management, and low efficiency in fund usage.
Wang, Quan-Jing et al. (2019) investigate the impact of government ideology on innovation and outline its main implications. The study uses a sample of 110 countries and covers the period between 1995 and 2015, with trademark and patent applications selected as the key indicators of technological and innovation progress. As scholars have noted, technological innovation is at the core of management and economic development. The findings reveal that a left-ruling party tends to hinder the progress of technical innovation, while a right-wing ruling party promotes the emergence of new technology. The study employs the generalized method of moments (GMM) technique for estimation, enhancing the accuracy of the findings.
Expanding on the relationship between state and market,
China’s development model, characterized by elements of the East Asian developmental state and unique adaptations, has profoundly influenced its trajectory in science, technology, and innovation. The state’s strategic intervention, coupled with the integration of market mechanisms and hybrid organizational forms, has enabled China to achieve remarkable technological progress.
This paper argues that the theorization of science, technology, and innovation-driven development in China reflects a dynamic interplay between state intervention, technological progress, and institutional dynamics. From the pre-reform period’s heavy industrialization to the reform era’s focus on strengthening S&T capabilities, China’s development trajectory has been characterized by a unique blend of market forces and state-led initiatives. The emergence of theoretical models like the China Development Model (CDM) and the Beijing Consensus (BC) highlights the central role of the state in driving innovation and economic growth. However, scholars like Varaprasad S.
Innovation-driven development (IDD) is a further expansion of STI capabilities in China’s economic statecraft. It is a core agenda of President Xi’s development philosophy. In 2016, Xi announced the achievement of three stages of innovation-driven development for China (
Scientific and technological Innovation has always been echoed in the writings and speeches of Chinese leadership. In Mao’s economic purview, apart from class struggle and the struggle for production, scientific experiments had counted as one of the three great revolutionary movements for building a powerful socialist country
Again, Mao reiterated the importance of planning for scientific and technological advancements as “the Chinese people should have long-range plan, strive to change the economic, scientific, and cultural backwardness of China within a few decades, and quickly reach the most advanced level in the world” (
The Chinese leadership has also insisted on technological catch-up. As Mao elucidated, “We cannot insist on the ready-made principle of technology development in various countries around the world; that is, we cannot crawl behind others step by step. We must break the pattern and develop China into a great power of socialist modernization in a short historical period using advanced technology as far as possible (
Successive leadership also emphasizes the leading and catching up positions in science and technology. As the harbinger of reform and opening up in China, Deng
1985, December: Communique of the 3rd Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee: To actively develop economic cooperation with various countries worldwide based on equality and mutual benefit based on self-reliance, and to strive to adopt world-class advanced technology and advanced equipment.
1995, September: the 5th Plenary session of the 14th CPC Central Committee rejuvenated China through science and education. It lists the following aims
1. Accelerate the commercialization and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements.
2. Actively develop high-technology and related industry
3. Strengthen basic scientific research, focus on cutting-edge science, overcome critical difficulties, and strive for breakthroughs in the key fields.
Deng Xiaoping’s emphasis on science, technology, and innovation (STI) as drivers of development stemmed from a careful analysis of both national and geopolitical factors. At the national level, Deng recognized the imperative of leveraging STI to propel economic growth and modernization. Geopolitically, Deng Xiaoping’s push for STI-driven development was informed by China’s desire to enhance its international standing and competitiveness. The commitment to economic cooperation with other countries, as outlined in the 1985 Communique, highlighted China’s aspiration to engage with the global community on equal terms while actively seeking advanced technology and equipment. This strategic approach positioned China as a key player in global technological innovation and development, aligning with Deng’s vision of China’s rise as a modern, prosperous nation. Moreover, the emphasis on rejuvenating China through science and education at the 1995 Plenary session underscored Deng Xiaoping’s recognition of STI as crucial for addressing national challenges and achieving sustainable development. By focusing on breakthroughs in key fields and fostering an environment conducive for technological advancement, Deng aimed to propel China towards becoming a knowledge-based economy, capable of competing at the forefront of global innovation. Overall, Deng Xiaoping’s advocacy for STI-driven development was a result of a comprehensive analysis of both domestic imperatives and global dynamics. By strategically prioritizing STI, Deng sought to harness China’s scientific and technological potential to drive economic growth, enhance national competitiveness, and elevate China’s role on the world stage.
Then President Hu Jintao reiterated several times that science and technology are the main factors of productivity growth and a major driving force behind economic and social development. There will be a new way of scientific innovation with unique, China-oriented, characteristics (
2006, January: National Medium- and Long-term Plan for Science and Technology Development (2006-2020)
2012, November: The 5th Plenary session of the 18th CPC put innovative development at the core of all national development and also made the following decisions about the general direction of the process:
1. From “marching towards science” to “breaking with tradition to achieve leaps in development”;
2. From “Science and technology constitute one of the China’s productive forces” to “science and technology is the primary productive force”;
3. From “the strategy to rejuvenate China through science and education” to “improving the ability for independent innovation.”
4. From “building an innovative country” to “an innovation-driven development idea” and then ultimately to “adhering to innovative development, and shaping world-leading development that is based on innovation, and maximizing first-mover advantages”.
2015, March: Opinions on Deepening the System Reform and Mechanism and Speeding up the Implementation of the Innovation-Driven Development Idea.
Policies from Mao to Xi clearly reflect the evolving policy paradigm related to innovative practices.
Major policies related to Science, Technology and Innovation-Driven Development and their key components
Sr. No. | Policies related with STI-Driven Development | Major Focus Area | Publication Date | Issuing Agency |
Sr. No. | Policies related with STI-Driven Development | Major Focus Area | Publication Date | Issuing Agency |
I | 1956-1967 Long-Range Plan of Scientific and Technological Development | 57 major areas identified, self-reliance | 1956 | __ |
II | 1978-1985 Draft of National Scientific and Technological Development Plan | To adopt world-class advanced technology & advanced equipment | 1978 | __ |
III | 5th Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee | To rejuvenate China through science & education and; STE |
September 25-28, 1995 | CPC Central Committee |
IV | Recommendations for the 9th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development and the 2010 Long-Range Goal | To accelerate the commercialization and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. | March 5, 1996 | CPC Central Committee |
V | Report to the XVII National Congress of the Communist Party of China | Independent Innovation with Chinese Characteristics | October 15, 2007 | National Party Congress of CPC |
VI | National Medium and Long-term Plans for Science and Technology Development (2006-2020) |
To create an innovative country by 2020. | 2006 | The State Council, PRC |
VII | Strategic Emerging Industries |
To identify seven strategic industries which become the cornerstone of industrial modernization and technological development in China | 2010 | The State Council and several other central agencies such as, NDRC, MIIT, MOFCOM, MOST, MOF, SIPO |
VIII | Several Opinions of the CCCPC and the State Council on Deepening the Reform of the Institutional Mechanism and to Accelerate the Implementation of Innovation-Driven Development Strategy | The idea of Innovation-driven development (IDD) is at the core of overall national development. | 2015 | State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) of the PRC |
IX | Notice of the State Council on the Publication of “Made in China 2025” 国务院关于印发 《中国制造2025》的通知 |
Moving China into a ‘Innovation-Driven Development’ stage of production, especially in the Industry 4.0 era to reduce China’s independence on foreign manufactured goods | 2015 | The State Council |
X | National Innovation-Driven Development Strategy Outline. | 2017 | The State Council, PRC |
The need to address environmental degradation and energy security is one of the causes driving China’s adoption of green development strategies. High carbon emissions and serious environmental deterioration have resulted from the nation’s fast industrialization and reliance on coal (
Green growth means fostering economic development, at the same time ensuring that natural assets continue to provide the resources and environmental services on which our well-being relies (
In the research literature, “greening” the policy framework is seen as upgrading and sustaining the innovation model. For example, green growth has already led to enhanced productivity by reducing waste and energy consumption and creating incentives for more efficient use of natural resources. Also, green growth has brought about the opening up of new markets by creating demand for green goods, services and technologies such as New Energy Vehicles (NEVs). Its foremost result is fiscal consolidation: governments have raised green taxes granting subsidies to the makers of green mobility, i.e. Electric Vehicles (EVs).
China’s rapid economic growth on its way of development and globalization has come at a high environmental cost (
The adverse environmental effects extend beyond carbon emissions, with approximately 66% of China’s urban population, equivalent to 240 million people, exposed to various forms of air pollution (
President Xi has identified combating pollution as a primary objective, categorizing it among China’s ‘three tough battles,’ alongside poverty alleviation and enhancing financial stability (
Share of global mismanaged plastic waste, 2019. (After
Water Pollution in China: To some spectators, water pollution in China is the country’s worst environmental issue (
As China grapples with the complex interplay between development and environmental conservation, it is essential to trace the logic behind China’s “green development” idea. This section hypothesizes that the environmental degradation and robust development in the last four decades in China led to a greener, more sustainable policy making. The idea of green development is ingrained in ancient Chinese history and philosophy, as the wisdom of “integration of humans and nature” is prevalent in ancient Chinese history and philosophy. However, classical Marxism also provides the ideal base for policy greening as Marxist dialectics propagate the idea that human history continues natural history. As Karl Marx put forward, “Human history is itself the reality of the natural history, i.e., the process in which nature becomes human.” (Marx & Engels, 1972 quoted in
In Chinese discourse, Green development is interpreted as an organic unity of policies related to the economic, social and natural systems (
China’s legislative efforts for green development are grounded in a multifaceted approach that combines philosophical principles, pragmatic responses to environmental challenges, and strategic considerations for long-term sustainability. Ancient Chinese philosophy, emphasizing the integration of humans and nature, provides a foundational basis for environmental conservation. Marxist dialectics in its turn underscore the interconnectedness of human history and natural history, guiding China’s approach to balancing economic growth with environmental protection. The incorporation of sustainable development goals into China’s national agenda, as seen in the 16th and 17th National Congresses of the CPC, reflects a growing recognition of the need for environmental sustainability amidst rapid economic growth. The adoption of “green development” as a new theoretical paradigm at the 5th Plenary session of the 18th Party Congress in 2015 further demonstrates China’s commitment to prioritizing environmental considerations in development initiatives. Overall, China’s green development policies aim to achieve a harmonious balance between economic prosperity and environmental protection, addressing both national imperatives and global environmental challenges.
10th Five-Year Plan includes the following provisions related to green development:
a) sufficient utilization of clean energies such as natural gas, hydropower and nuclear power;
b) promoting renewable energy generation, such as solar Photovoltaic (PV) and wind;
c) advancing clean coal technology;
d) diminishing and decreasing reliance on coal targets;
e) Achieving sustainable development of energy.
11 th Five-Year Plan:
The principles of resource-saving and environmentally friendly society were introduced in the 11th five-year plan (Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, 2006). Also, resource and environment issues were included as significant goals. Further, in the 11th Five-Year Plan, a ‘binding indicator system’ (including resource and environmental objectives) was suggested to clarify and strengthen government responsibility. It was stated that goals related to green development would be connected with the assessment of civil servants and government officials (Hu, 2018, p. 63). Green development policies were to accelerate economic development according to the 12th Five-Year Plan (Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, 2011). Several other indicators were added concerning resources and environmental indicators. The 12th Five Year Plan (FYP) also contained measures for ensuring better environmental quality for cities and towns, including a “blue sky day” target and other mandatory emissions targets (APCO, 2010, p. 05). Further in this plan, China pledged to have 15 per cent of its energy come from non-fossil fuels by 2020 (from 8.3 per cent in 2009 to approximately 11 per cent by 2015) (APCO, 2010, p. 06). 13th FYP (2016-2020), or the Recommendations for the 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development (Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, 2016), set the targets related to reducing the carbon industrial and non-industrial emissions and increasing resource development and utilization efficiency, effectively controlling energy and water consumption, land construction and total carbon emissions. Further, the 13th FYP also intended to reduce the total discharge of major pollutants.
This research paper sheds light on the intricate dynamics of science, technology, and innovation (STI) in China’s development trajectory, elucidating its profound impact on economic growth and environmental sustainability. Through a comprehensive analysis of China’s STI policies and official discourse, this study reveals the strategic plans of innovation-driven development (IDD) and green development (GD) paradigms to address the pressing national issues and geopolitical realities.
The hypothesis posited in this paper regarding the emergence of two distinct trajectories within China’s STI politics through the adoption of IDD and GD has been substantiated through empirical evidence and theoretical analysis. The adoption of IDD reflects China’s commitment to fostering a culture of innovation and technological advancement, driven by national imperatives such as economic development and global competitiveness. Conversely, the emphasis on GD underscores China’s recognition of environmental concerns and the imperative of transitioning towards a more sustainable development model, driven by both domestic environmental challenges and international pressure to address the climate change agenda.
By framing IDD and GD within the context of sustainable development, this research highlights their crucial roles in China’s journey towards technological advancement and sustainability. Moreover, the analysis underscores the significance of STI in shaping China’s socio-economic trajectory and its implications for the global development dynamics.