BRICS Journal of Economics 1(2): 59-79, doi: 10.38050/2712-7508-2020-10
Chinese experience in implementing renewable energy sources as a possible scenario for the Krasnoyarsk Territory
expand article infoSergey Nikonorov, Konstantin Papenov, Denis Sergeyev
Open Access
Renewable energy is a rapidly developing area of the modern economy. As many experts forecast, global electricity consumption will double by 2050, while the share of renewable sources in energy generation will be 50%. For most states, the main incentives for the development of renewable energy are the ability to eliminate the consumption of fossil fuels and reduce the level of emissions of pollutants, while ensuring sustainable development of the country. At the same time, Russia, which has significant reserves of natural resources, is in no hurry to switch to the use of energy from renewable sources since it is believed that the country’s subsoil can provide it with cheap energy resources for many generations to come. Therefore, introduction of renewable energy sources that are unable to compete with traditional energy without a developed energy infrastructure and established production is impractical. In our study we try to evaluate the efficiency of the introduction of renewable energy sources in the Krasnoyarsk Territory of Russia using the example of the Chinese experience.
renewable sources of energy, sustainable development, emissions of pollutants, Chinese experience.