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BRICS Journal of Economics 3(4) (2022)
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Green Economy for Nature Conservation and Sustainable Growth
Dr. Alina Steblyanskaya Associate Professor, Harbin Engineering University, School of Economics and Management, Harbin, China; Dr. Sergey Bobylev Professor, Moscow State University, Department of Environmental Economics, Moscow, Russia; Yan Jun, PhD, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China

In recent years, enhanced measures including legislation, policy, regulatory, and economic means have been taken by every country’s government in dealing with environmental problems [1]. Corresponding to this situation and in meeting the demand of governments at different levels for environmental policy tools, the environmental policy research projects on the topic of a wide range, especially concerning Nature conservation are conducted at the World [2][3] . The huge problem is how nowadays Economic growth influences Nature? Globally, the existing protected areas and Aichi Target 11 are not enough to slow the decline in biodiversity [4][5] . As a result, there is an urgent need to expand the nature conservation areas system [6][7] . Nowadays, we need to test how economic, social, energy and environmental indicators influence nature conservation and sustainable growth [8] [9]. Global civilization is falling social and economic turmoil.
Humans are experiencing environmental deterioration and uncontrollable declines in GDP [10] . Traditional economic theory has been continuously advancing yet seems unable to predict these crises or provide adequate public policies to address them [11] .

Nowadays essential not only maximize profit, and maintain the stability of the economy in order to preserve the Planet [12][13] . In light of the last crucial situation, including the emergence of viruses, humankind shows that if it does not start to think about how economy influence on Nature, the Planet would be destroyed [14] . Nowadays, it is necessary to find a new economy [15] and find new tools and new integrative methods that provide an opportunity to follow financial ratios and the new sustainable ratios with non-financial factors inside. The Economy needs new approaches based on green technologies, system sciences and sustainable methods. The Special Issue provide the platform for share the researches concerning green economy theory development emphasizing the transversally links between economic, social, energy and environmental factors [16] . Accordingly, it is necessary to develop systematic research towards sustainable growth [16] . There is no doubt that systemic thinking methods should be part of system economics theory for Nature conservation and sustainable growth. It is also the controversially question, how environmental factors, including virus spreading could influence business social responsibility and companies’ sustainable financial growth [17] . The above-mentioned position formulated in the materials of the G20 green finance research group in UN documents is similar, which emphasizes the need to introduce environmental and social impacts into the assessment of financial growth sustainability [18]

Suggested topics

The Editors emphasize that research for the forthcoming special issue “Green Economy for Nature Conservation and Sustainable Growth” can be fully interdisciplinary. Welcome papers with a focus on a combination of ecology, political ecology, neuron links between nature and humanity, green, ecological, and sustainable economy methods, bioeconomics, Low-Carbon Economics, Climate Change Economics point of view, etc.

Suggested contributions to the “BRICS Journal of Economics” Special Issue on “Green Economy for Nature Conservation and Sustainable Growth” include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Foresight studies for the envisioning of green economy for Nature conservation beyond 2060;
  • Carbon Neutrality 2060: new points, new approaches, new strategies;
  • Nature or Wilderness protection indices development;
  • Green economy’ new strategies and approaches;
  • New ideas for Nature conservation and ecosystems services development;
  • Case studies to guide the Nature conservation and “Nature Need Half” initiative development;
  • Business and green finance technologies development;
  • Development of the financial and nonfinancial indicators for Biodiversity and Wilderness conservation;
  • Ecosystems Services;
  • System Strategies and approaches for the Energy Sustainable Economy, Green Economy, Corporate Finance Systems development;
  • Green Ethics development in the base of philosophical point of view;
  • How virus situation, including COVID-19 spread influence on the Economy sustainability. How green economy can help to overwhelm the crises?

Submission Deadline:

31 July 2022


Submission Procedure

According to Journal regulation: free publication, free open-access

For the format of Paper and other instruction, please refer to Journal Homepage

Articles would be accepted in English.

The editors of the special issue are happy to discuss initial ideas for papers, and can be contacted directly Dr. Alina Steblyanskaya


1. Weidong L. (2019) Joint Construction of Green Silk Roads: social, economic and environmental context. Beijing: The Commercial Press. 

2. Bocharnikov Vladimir N. (2018). Spatial thinking, cultural geography and wilderness " Izvestiya RAN. Ser. Geogr., 3, 105-116. (In Rus.)

3. Scheiner SM, Kosman E, Presley SJ, Willig MR. (2017) Decomposing functional diversity. Methods Ecol Evol., 8, 809–20.

4. Cao Y, Carver S, Yang R. (2019) Mapping wilderness in China: Comparing and integrating Boolean and WLC approaches. Landsc Urban Plan.; 192, 103636. 

5. Locke H, Dearden P. (2005) Rethinking protected area categories and the new paradigm. Environ Conserv., 32, 1–10.

6. Li BL, Hubacek K, Yan JJ, Span R, Wang H, Earis P, et al. (2018) Priority areas at the frontiers of ecology and energy. Ecosyst Heal Sustain, 4, 243–246. 

7. Ward, J. D., Sutton, P. C., Werner, A. D., Costanza, R., Mohr, S. H., & Simmons, C. T. (2016). Is decoupling GDP growth from environmental impact possible?. PloS one11(10), 1-14.

8.  Bayet, F. (1994). Overturning the doctrine: Indigenous people and wilderness--being aboriginal in the environmental movement. Social Alternatives13(2), 27-32.

9. V. N. Bocharnikov (2018) “Civilization Geocode and deep Ecology” Pslov regional journal,  (1), 71-84

10. Yan, J., Feng, L., Denisov, A., Steblyanskaya, A., & Oosterom, J. P. (2020). Complexity theory for the modern Chinese economy from an information entropy perspective: Modeling of economic efficiency and growth potential. PloS one15(1), e0227206.

11. Yan, J., Feng, L., Steblyanskaya, A., Kleiner, G., & Rybachuk, M. (2019). Biophysical economics as a new economic paradigm. International Journal of Public Administration42(15-16), 1395-1407.

12. Costanza R. (1989). What Is Ecological Economics. Ecological Economics1, 1-12.

13. Daly, H. E., & Farley, J. (2011). Ecological economics: principles and applications. Island press.

14. Bocharnikov VN. (2018) BIOSPHERE, NOOSPHERE AND THE SPECIAL CODE OF SCIENCE: A NEW READING OF THE WORKS OF ACADEMICIAN V. I. VERNADSKY (in Russian). Coevol Noosph Res Anal Forecast, 1, 74–105.

15. Kleiner, G., & Rybachuk, M. (2016). System structure of the economy: Qualitative time-space analysis. Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science5(2), 61-81.

16. Steblyanskaya, A. N., Wang, Z., & Bragina, Z. V. (2019). Financial sustainable growth theory as a result of interaction with energy, environmental and social processes (Evidence from oil and gas industry). Finance: Theory and practice23(2), 134-152.

17. Sheremet. A. (2017) Analysis and audit of sustainable development indicators (in Russian). Audit and financial analysis 1, 153–155.

19. Rousseau, D. (2015). General systems theory: Its present and potential. Systems Research and Behavioral Science32(5), 522-533.

Keywords: ecology, sustainable growth, green economy

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