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BRICS Journal of Economics 5(4) (2024)
BRICS countries innovative development and cooperation in the field of education
Zhang Jiandong, Alina B. Veshkurova, Maksim Silenko


Nowadays, BRICS countries innovative universities development and cooperation in the field of education are the primary research directions, that vigorously promote theoretical innovation, institutional innovation and methodological innovation in BRICS universities [1].

The research concerning BRICS countries innovation education is diversified[2]. First of all, regarding economic development and innovation, they will have different effects on innovation and entrepreneurship education due to BRICS countries various educational market environments and cultural atmospheres [3]. Secondly, it mainly focuses on curriculum setting and teaching methods. BRICS universities place special emphasis on the shaping of professionalism, and believe that professionalism, as a specific ability that can be modified and supplemented in the career, is occupying the central position of innovation and entrepreneurship education [4]. Third, an exploration of how to improve the quality of innovation education is proposed to build a sustainable development framework. In addition, the cooperation between BRICS countries’ universities is promising mechanism for future innovation development.

In the context of China's Belt and Road Initiative, the training of international talents is particularly important. It analyzes the training of innovation and entrepreneurship capabilities of international students in the BRICS environment from the aspects of education, policy, and resource support. The same way, Russian universities have begun to set up science and technology parks, entrepreneurship alliances and other organizations, actively offer relevant curriculum settings, and propose a“start-up company equals graduation thesis”plan. At present, among more than 1,000 universities in Russia, 368 institutions innovation and entrepreneurship platforms and courses have been opened [5]. In 2021, the list of 42 national economic development projects approved by government clearly proposes to establish a“science and technology entrepreneurship platform for colleges and universities”, build a “science and technology entrepreneurship ecosystem” around colleges and universities. In the context of India, Brasilia and South Africa universities, the way to innovative education were established for all universities and educational centers with accent on “win-win” cooperation framework.

Taken together, the foundation of comparative research on BRICS universities in the field of education is still facing problems such as insufficient depth and insufficient empirical research. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct in-depth comparison and analysis to promote international innovation and entrepreneurship education exchanges and cooperation in BRICS countries[6].

By comparing the differences in the innovation and entrepreneurship education models in the BRICS countries’ universities, we can deeply analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various education systems, and provide reference and inspiration for the internationalization cooperation of higher institution. For example, we can learn from each other's existing successful models of various universities to further improve their own education systems and platforms, improve the quality of education, and enhance the competitiveness of students' employment. It will help to deepen the understanding of innovation and entrepreneurship education in different cultural contexts, promote theoretical research and practical innovation in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship education, provide new ideas for educational reform and development, and build an exchange platform to promote the sharing and cooperation of educational resources. Sure, through academic exchanges, cooperation projects in this sphere in the universities among the BRICS countries, we can jointly promote the progress of education.

Suggested topics

The editors emphasized that the research of the upcoming special issue "Innovation and entrepreneurship education in BRICS universities" can be completely interdisciplinary. Papers are welcome to focus on the topics of higher education innovation and entrepreneurship, online educational models, education economy, BRICS vocational skills competition, higher vocational education, education management and other aspects of educational integration in BRICS universities.

It is recommended to submit to the special issue "Innovation and entrepreneurship education in BRICS universities" topics including but not limited to the following:

BRICS countries innovative development and cooperation in the field of education;

BRICS countries education policies comparison and evaluation;

Construction of BRICS industry-university cooperation, innovation and entrepreneurship, educational service systems;

Innovation and entrepreneurship education in BRICS universities;

Ice and snow economic education and link with economic development.

Submission Deadline:


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According to the Journal regulation: free publication, free open-access. For the format of Paper and other instruction, please refer to Journal Homepage

Submission Procedure

According to Journal regulation: free publication, free open-access

For the format of Paper and other instruction, please refer to Journal Homepage

Articles would be accepted in English.


The editors of the special issue are happy to discuss initial ideas for papers, and can be contacted directly to Zhang Jiandong, Dr. Veshkurova and Maksim Silenko


1. Pengteng. Research on the innovation and entrepreneurship path of Russia's first-class universities from the perspective of power change organization theory--Taking the Russian State Higher Economic University as an example [J].Exploration of Higher Education, 2021(5):72-78.

2. Cao Rong. Exploration of the path of improving the innovation and entrepreneurship ability of international students coming to China in the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor [J].Cultural and Educational Materials, 2021(34): 196-200.

3. T.F. Berezhnaya. Innovation Strategic Orientation [J].Economics of Industry, 2006(1):1-12.

4. Korchagina S.V., Moryakova T.T. Innovative education in modern Russia[J].Transport business of Russia, 2011(1):35-37.

5. Diulina T.S. Innovatsionnoe obrazovaniye v Rossii[J].Sovremennye pedagogicheskie tekhnologii, 2019(1):53-57.

6. China Social Sciences Network-China Journal of Social Sciences. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Practice and Effectiveness of Russian Universities [EB/OL]. 2021[2024-3-19],

SI Guest Editors

About the Theme Editors

Zhang Jiandong, China economist, associate professor, Jilin Railway Vocational and Technical Institute. He is a member of the China Logistics Society, the fourth council member of the Jilin Provincial Transportation Association in China, and an executive director of the Jilin Logistics Vocational Education Group Council in China. He has been engaged in education and teaching in railway higher vocational education in China for 12 years. His research focuses on the construction of industry-university cooperation, innovation and entrepreneurship, educational service systems, sustainable coordination between green logistics transportation, economic development, leveraging the competitive advantages of state-owned capital multinational enterprises in transportation industries. He has published more that 20 papers in core Chinese and Russian journals such as Transportation, Transportation Economy, Construction Transportation, and Journal of Electronic Science. He has participated in 6 municipal level projects in China, and his book "The third part of logistics" is published by Beijing Institute of Technology Press in China. He has obtained one Chinese logistics pallet technology invention patent.


Zhang Jiandong can be contacted at:

Alina B. Veshkurova, Russian economist, associate professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Associate Professor of the Department of Labor Economics and Human Resource Management. Research interests: problems of labor migration; motivation of labor activity; functioning of the labor market. Since 2017, she has been working at the Russian University of Transport. She gives lectures and conducts seminars on the courses "Labor Market", "Records Management in the Personnel Service", "Labor Economics". Currently, she is an associate professor of the Department of Labor Economics and Human Resource Management of RUT (MIIT). She is the author of 40 scientific articles, co-author of a number of textbooks on the disciplines of the department and collective monographs.


Alina B. Veshkurova can be contacted at:

Maksim Silenko, a Russian expert in educational technology, holds a Master’s degree in Telecommunication and Electronic Systems from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Currently, he is pursuing a PhD in Educational Technology at Moscow State University's Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies. Since 2019, Maksim has been working at Shenzhen MSU-BIT University as a Senior Researcher. He also has experience as a Business Development Manager at Xiaomi company. Fluent in Chinese and English, Maksim has authored several scientific articles and participated in numerous conferences. His scientific work focuses on leveraging technology to enhance language learning and educational outcomes, particularly through the integration of artificial intelligence.


Maksim Silenko can be contacted at:

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