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1-21 issues matching your criteria:

Submission deadline: 01 May 2025
Special Issue
Trans-borderness in a New Era: Integration, Identities and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Tatiana Kuchinskaya, Sun Limei, Alina Steblyanskya


In recent years, the modern world  is increasingly characterized as unstable, dynamic,  prone to crises: financial and economic , socio-political, socio-cultural, humanitarian, ecological, anthropological[1]. The world architectonics of a New Era is losing its former fragmentation, loc ...

Special Issue
BRICS Journal of Economics 5(1) (2024)
Changing the Global Monetary and Financial Architecture: The Role of BRICS-Plus
Yaroslav D. Lissovolik

Introduction to a forthcoming Special Issue in the BRICS Journal of Economics 5(2) (2024)

Since 2022 the theme of the creation of a common BRICS currency has become one of the most important BRICS-related topics in the global agenda. Many observers are starting to claim that the creation of such  ...

Papers published: 6   |  Total pages: 104
Special Issue
BRICS Journal of Economics 4(1) (2023)
COVID-19: Its Impact on BRICS Economies
Badar Alam Iqbal


Twenty-one years ago, the idea of creation of an economic block was floated and accordingly four emerging economies of the world namely-Brazil, Russia, India and China got a name as BRICs countries or economic block. Later on, South Africa also joined the BRICs and the block has come ...

Papers published: 9   |  Total pages: 172
Special Issue
BRICS Journal of Economics 3(4) (2022)
Green Economy for Nature Conservation and Sustainable Growth
Dr. Alina Steblyanskaya Associate Professor, Harbin Engineering University, School of Economics and Management, Harbin, China; Dr. Sergey Bobylev Professor, Moscow State University, Department of Environmental Economics, Moscow, Russia; Yan Jun, PhD, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China

In recent years, enhanced measures including legislation, policy, regulatory, and economic means have been taken by every country’s government in dealing with environmental problems [1]. Corresponding to this situation and in meeting the demand of governments at different levels for environmental  ...

Papers published: 6   |  Total pages: 114
BRICS Journal of Economics 3(2) (2022)
Papers published: 4   |  Total pages: 90

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